Post-Operative Care

It is important to take care of your surgery site.


Please follow these instructions:

Bite on gauze for 30 minutes (one half-hour) to stop any bleeding.  If bleeding continues, place another gauze and continue to apply pressure.

  1. For at least 24 hours do not:


    drink through a straw

    drink alcohol, carbonated beverages (“pop”), or hot liquids

    blow your nose

    spit excessively

  Any of these things may cause the blood clot over the surgery site to dislodge from the “socket,” causing a “dry socket” and resulting in unnecessary pain.  (Should this happen, call this office to see the doctor as soon as possible.)

  1. Do maintain a soft diet for the remainder of the day—things like warm soup, ice cream, milk shakes (remember no straws), etc.
  2. If your pain, discomfort, or bleeding continues or worsens, call the office for a re-examination.
  3. If you were given medications, take them according to the instructions.  If you have pain medications at home, you may take them according to the instructions.
  4. Tomorrow morning, start rinsing gently with warm salt water (1/4 teaspoon of salt to 1 cup of water) every four (4) hours for two (2) days.

If any problems or questions do arise, please feel free to call the office (01-602408) or your dentist at home (711080200).
